Hot Men Friday

Lots and lots of storms the past few days. 70 dew points and temps in the 90s. It's green as hell out there. Lush lush lush.

And my tomatoes are having a grand ol' time. Can't say much for the rest of my experimental garden. I harvested one pepper, but now one of those two pepper plants have died. No flowers please.

But I'm enjoying the tomatoes!


I watched this movie last weekend.

I was not worldly wise at all when I was a young 'un. The darker music of that day scared me a bit and I mostly retreated to my safe Beatles. Who knew they were complicated? Hey, I had to convince my dad every day it was okay to listen to even them! He was certain they were bringing down civilization as we knew it. Seriously. Imagine Mad Men here for a minute and I'm Don Draper's little girl. Only my dad wasn't in advertising.

In that respect I was a late bloomer and didn't discover music for real until I was an older teen and into my 20s.

So, when these guys tumbled into my lap at a party I was obsessed for, well, ever since.

The voice was not like the light, girlie voices we were used to hearing. He sounded older, bad, scary. He performed crazy - no, not the purported willie-waving antics (never happened btw), but the way he fell about with no self-thought. Fueled with alcohol and drugs.

All Images Stolen from Google

And he sank deeper and deeper into that self-aware/selfish/unaware part of himself until there was nothing left. Way before he died.

This much is true: You can't burn out if you're not on fire.
~Jim Morrison
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