Roba Dolce

You may or may not remember when these lovelies arrived at my house one day a few weeks ago.

This is what is left. Yes, I sacrificed myself in the name of product review to - ahem - sample these. If by sample you mean devour, sometimes in one day, all of these. Me. All of these. No help. Not even from Pup (he's a staunch vanilla guy; the end).

First, I have to say I learned something new. I learned something has a name that I had been doing my whole life but didn't know it. Temper. Which means melty in my world. The  instructions on the carton say to let the product temper for 10 minutes. Back when we would say, "pull the Rocky Road out of the freezer so it gets melty"! Of course now I microwave it for a bit because I just can't wait very long when I'm about to have a treat. No governor Governor. I wish it were so, but nope.

I learned that gelato is creamy deliciousness. Lovely creamy with less fat and sugar than ice cream. I learned that it's not a good idea for me to be left alone with any of these.

Especially this one. Dark chocolate. It was almost too much. I said almost.

This one was my FAVORITE! Somehow the good peeps over at Roba Dolce knew better than to give me a big one. I do believe I was licking the empty like a dog with a peanut butter jar. It was kinda sad to witness. This is why I ate it alone.

When I first ate the little one I thought, "Oh, this one I can live without." I lied. I adored all the little chunks of coconut that were floating around in there. The flavor was delicate and so creamy. I usually don't like the word creamy (it's right up there with moist), but what better word??

Same with this one. I mistakenly thought I didn't like it when I had the small one. Again, how wrong can a sorbetto-eater be?? The lemon was tart without being overwhelming. I want more when it's hot outside.

I may have said that the mango was my favorite, but again I lied. I opened up this one and kept returning to the freezer to get it out for "one more taste" until I was worried I had cooked all the pistachios with all the microwaving that was going on.

Thanks Roba Dolce and Karen from This Old House 2 for letting me be a part of this. I'm sad it's over! Although I do blame both of you for the #dietfail that has been going on for the past month.

*Let me add that I have not been paid for this review.
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