A Man and His Toys

Pup is one of those men that is very hard to buy for. If he ever wants anything (mostly - within reason - a CPA's reason) he runs right out and gets it.

You never know what that might be. Some sort of crazy tool for the garage that may get used only once (not that I care) or this new thing. A plow for the driveway.

Now, we live in a very very urban part of the cities and while we do have a very large lot (a double city lot), it's NOTHING compared to living in the country. In Pup's defense, our driveway is over 150 feet long and he works very long hours during the winter (tax season) and it's hard on him to have to snow blow that ginormous drive.

With that said I still found it crazy that he felt the need for this huge plow, but just looking at his face this morning when he looked outside and saw that we had FINALLY had our first measurable snowfall, well, it was priceless indeed.

But there he is, plowing to his heart's content. And I noticed he plowed several other driveways in our neighborhood. That's my Pup. He loves helping all the young uns around us here in Chez Emersonville.

In fact, the young couple that live right next to us had a baby recently and then the hubs was deployed. So Pup has been mowing their lawn all summer and now will be plowing their driveway. He just does it to be nice. Don't you love him from all this info?

Even though last night when we were out with friends he was stroking my new black velvet holiday top and said, "Sweetie, you feel just like a carseat."


Love you Pup. Sorry I punched your lights out. *kidding!*
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