What to Do in Idaho?

That's where we are headed. To see our Barnabee! (That's my dad and step-momma.)

It's a little weird leaving everything while it's happening (the den build), but when we get home there will be some major changes.

Meanwhile, here's the latest shot from my phone. A shot on the back roads on my way to the hair salon. Snow, snow, and more snow. I took back roads because the news was saying that 15 minute drives were taking over two hours. Holy crapinoli! Back roads are kinda fun and I got there in no time at all.
It looks so bleak doesn't it? It's gray day after day. When the sun does shine on those rare times, it feels like an intrusion. I'm getting weird from S.A.D. I'm thinking. I do like to nurture that dark-girl from time to time.

That's why Pup and I went out and got a NordicTrac treadmill the other day. We will FORCE the feel-good hormones into our pudgy-pooches. We'll be low-fat lattes in no time!

Smooches all you hooches! I'll write from Idaho.
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